SCGA Team: John Edward

John Edward

Head of Operations, Scottish Council on Global Affairs

John Edward is the first Head of Operations since the launch of the SCGA.

John’s most recent role was as the Chief Executive of the Scottish Council of Independent Schools, covering all aspects of school-age education, regulation and participation.  Prior to that, John was Head of the European Parliament’s Office in Scotland, covering the European elections of 2004 and 2009.

A graduate of St Andrews and Glasgow universities, John worked for 9 years in Brussels firstly in the then-new European Policy Centre, as personal assistant to Max Kohnstamm.  He was subsequently EU Policy Manager for Scotland Europa, Brussels.  A trustee of the Scottish European Educational Trust, and member of the Scottish Parliament’s Commission on Parliamentary Reform, John was also Chief Spokesman for the non-party political Scotland Stronger in Europe campaign for the 2016 EU referendum.

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