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Please use this form to provide us with an accessible, policy-relevant abstract of your recent work, publications and articles.
SCGA publishes a diverse range of views and policy recommendations – all opinions expressed in our publications are those of the authors.
Unsolicited Publications
Most SCGA Insight and Report publications are connected to SCGA-sponsored research. SCGA does, however, accept and encourage unsolicited submissions for publication. Submissions will only be considered if they are written in English of excellent quality, well structured, and comply with SCGA’s word limit and style guidelines. They must be policy relevant, based on high quality research, cover a global affairs topic (broadly defined), and at least one author must be based in Scotland at a Scottish Higher Education Institution, think tank or NGO. Submissions by PhD students are encouraged, as are submissions by researchers outside of academia. When considering unsolicited submissions, the SCGA will consider a range of factors, including a balance of topics, its priority areas of research, and whether the piece conforms to and furthers its mission and values.
Submissions must acknowledge if the research has been published elsewhere. Funded research should acknowledge the source of funding.
We cannot guarantee a timeline for decision and a decision to publish may be made subject to revisions. We prioritise publications that are time-sensitive.
Please read our guidelines for authors to understand what we expect from reports and insights.