Scottish Government Debate: Scotland’s Place in the European Union

Author: SCGA
An article from SCGA editorial team. 

Scottish Parliament Debate, Tuesday 30 January 2024

‘That the Parliament notes the Scottish Government’s paper, Building a New Scotland: an independent Scotland in the EU, and believes that Scotland’s economic, social and political future is best served by being part of the EU.’

Below is Clare Adamson MSP speaking during the above debate and commenting on our formation and raison d’être.

“Clare Adamson MSP, Convenor for the Constitution, Europe, External Affairs, and Culture focusing on the Scottish Government’s EU and International policy, the constitution, including the policy on the UK’s exit from the EU, and culture across Scotland including our creative industries … full text of her comments is below:

We also have seen established the Scottish Council on Global Affairs; Glasgow University, Edinburgh University and St Andrews University providing a non-partisan hub for expertise on international issues and if I quote Professor Phillips O’Brien who is the Chair of Strategic Studies at the University of St Andrews, he says:

It is time Scotland had a rigorous, non partisian, people-focussed global affairs institute that can bring together brilliant researchers with a range of groups from across our society.’

These are the very best minds of our country who are looking at our future, looking at Scotland’s place in Europe – the motion we are discussing today.”