Management Committee, Terms of Reference

Author: SCGA
An article from SCGA editorial team. 

The Scottish Council on Global Management Committee: Terms of Reference

  1. The Scottish Council on Global Affairs (SCGA) shall establish an Management Committee to assist it in meeting its objectives of:
  • facilitating multi-disciplinary research on global affairs to inform public policy,
  • promoting informed discourse and debate on international affairs within Scotland,
  • forging partnerships with civil society and research institutions in the UK, Europe and beyond to amplify the global reach of Scottish expertise.
  1. Members of the Management Committee shall be appointed by the Governing Board. The Management Committee shall have nine members. Its composition shall be as follows: the Executive Director of the SCGA; the two Co-Directors; an Operations Director; and five further members drawn from the SCGA’s partner institutions.
  1. The Management Committee shall meet at least once every two months. The Management Committee shall not be quorate unless either the Executive Director or one of the Directors and four further members are present along with a minute-taker to ensure a record of discussion and decisions taken. The task of minute taking shall normally be performed by the SCGA Administrator.  
  1. The Management Committee will endeavour to reflect the broad range of activities and expertise of the SCGA as well as the diversity of backgrounds and approaches that characterises engagement with global affairs in Scotland.
  1. At its first meeting after the Commencement Date of the Council the Governing Board shall review and approve the appointment of the first Executive Director and Co-Directors. It will perform this same role for subsequent appointments to the Management Committee on the recommendation of the Executive Director and Co-Directors. 
  1. The Managing Committee shall develop an application process for new members of the SCGA, for approval by the Governing Board.
  1. The Executive Director shall normally serve for a term of 2 years, renewable for a further year only. Any extension of the Executive Director’s normal term of service beyond the initial 2 year term shall be approved by the Governing Board.
  1. The process of succession of the Executive Director shall be determined by the Governing Board in consultation with the Management Committee and with the advice of the Advisory Board.
  1. The Co-Directors shall normally serve for a term of 2 years, renewable for a further 2 years. Any extension of a Co-Director’s normal term of service beyond the initial 2 year term shall be approved by the Governing Board.
  1. The Management Committee shall have responsibility for managing all aspects of the SCGA’s operations. It will, as its first order of business, devise a Code of Practice to ensure equity, transparency and accountability in all its activities and expenditures. This Code of Practice will be devised in consultation with the SCGA Advisory Board. It will be reviewed and approved by the SCGA Governance Board. It will, in addition, be subject to ongoing review to ensure it remains fit for purpose. Any changes to the Code of Practice shall be reviewed and approved by the Board of Governance. The Code of Practice will include details of how projects intended to generate SCGA income will be set up, and how the SCGA will enter into and manage contracts with third parties.
  1. The Management Committee shall as a matter of course submit all records of its papers and decisions to the Advisory Board and the Governance Board.
  1. The Management Committee shall prepare an annual Business Plan including a budget/forecast for the SCGA. This plan will accompany an Annual Report of the SCGA’s activities, accounts and decision-making procedures that will also be prepared by the Management Committee.  Both the Business Plan and the Annual Report will be submitted for approval to the Governance Board.
  1. The Management Committee shall prepare a Four Year Strategic Plan outlining the medium and long-term objectives of the SCGA along with the Management Committee’s vision for deploying the resources at its disposal to achieve these aims. The SCGA’s Four Year Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the Advisory Board and shall be subject to the review and approval of the Governance Board.
  1. The SCGA’s Four Year Plan will thereafter be subject to ongoing review and revision to adapt to altered circumstances and opportunities. This process shall be undertaken in consultation with the Advisory Board. An updated version of the Four Year Plan shall be submitted each year in conjunction with the SCGA’s Annual Report of its activities, accounts and decision-making procedures. The Management Committee is also responsible for undertaking the review required by Clause 9 of the SCGA Consortium Agreement.
  1. The Management Committee shall develop a strategy to manage any intellectual property (IP Strategy). The IP Strategy shall be approved by the Governing Board.
  1. Members of the Management Committee shall in their roles on the Committee be bound by the policies of the Council, including those on confidentiality and intellectual property.  They shall receive no remuneration, but shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in attending meetings of the Management Committee.  

The agenda for meetings of the Management Committee shall be set by the Executive Director after consultation with the other Directors. The Management Committee shall have the right to invite non-members with expertise useful to its decision-making processes.  This same principle will apply to any sub-committees constituted by the Management Committee in fulfilment of its responsibilities.